-- OUR TIME IS NOW : A FARANDOLE OF JONATHAN RICHMAN SONGS  Our time is now, half a century of Jonathan Richman songs covered in thirty reviews.
-- TELEVISION PERSONALITIES : DIARY OF A YOUNG FAN  My recently unearthed Diary of a young fan, covers the years 1981 to 1984.
It charts my adventures from my student bedroom upstairs at my grandparents' in deepest France to the Living Room concerts promoted by Creation Records in London.
Most importantly, it acts as a tribute to Television Personalities, Dan Treacy's band.
Free download !
-- PERSONAL DISCOGRAPHY OF THE NEW WAVE  Discographie personnelle de la New Wave, over 200 reviews, 410 pages. A history of The New Wave as told (in French) from Pol Dodu's record shelves. Free download ! -- DODU'S CONCERTS  Ecumeur # 17, is an interview with Philippe Dumez (in French) in which we go through memories of the concerts I attended or promoted. -- POL DODU & JC BROUCHARD : Des célibataires qui se casent  Des célibataires qui se casent, Pol Dodu and JC Brouchard's farewell compilation, is available ! But beware, a return is always possible... -- LE BAGOU DU DODU  Le bagou du Dodu, a 40 minute radio report from Pol Dodu's den (in French), is available for streaming or download on Radio Primitive's site. -- LEWIS FUREY : JOUE-MOI UN TANGO, THE NEW BOOK BY JC BROUCHARD  Lewis Furey : Joue-moi un tango, covers (in French) the artistic work of Lewis Furey, from his first album in 1975 to his recent Selected songs recital. -- TOM WAITS : Trained gods  Trained gods, a train ride through the Tom Waits discography (and the Issy-les-Moulineaux libraries record collection), using alternate routes and calling at disused stations. -- LES FRERES NUBUCK : L'EDUCATION MUSICALE  Les Frères Nubuck is the most unjustly unknown band of these last few years. Just as they're about to regenerate in 2012 under a new moniker, Nubuck!, the time is right to reflect on their output in the years 2000 with L'éducation musicale, a 20 track compilation available as a free download. -- PASCAL COMELADE : 4 ROCK 'N' ROLL HITS  Pascal Comelade blends primitive rock and repetitive music on a 7" single for Vivonzeureux Records on which he covers 4 rock 'n' roll hits. -- MY VIRTUAL RECORDS  After the improbables records, now come the virtual records! Mes disques virtuels by Pol Dodu, is the annotated and augmented catalogue of ten years of Vivonzeureux Records and it is also, after Tu m'as trompette mon amour, a new work of discographical fiction. -- UNE CHANSON FRENCH  It seems the French keep wanting to try to sing in English, mostly for the wrong reasons. To redress the balance, Vivonzeureux! Records has selected for Une chanson French que Maman chantait à moi sixteen cuts sung in French by people whose native tongue is not that of France... -- FELT : BALLAD OF THE FAN, THE FIRST BOOK BY JC BROUCHARD  Ballad of the fan, it is the story of British band Felt, which made its mark on the independent scene in the eighties, told through ots discography and the memories of one of their Frecnh fans, JC Brouchard. -- TU M'AS TROMPETTE MON AMOUR : A TRIBUTE TO DOMINIQUE AND GEORGES JOUVIN  Try to imagine a photo-novella, the pictures of which would consist in covers of records by the famous french trumpet player Georges Jouvin, and with texts mostly made up of titles of songs the man with the golden trumpet has recorded... Well, Tu m’as trompette mon amour is not exactly that, but it is something approaching, a bit like a discographical love story ! -- MERCREDI DU KIOSQUE IN REIMS ON DECEMBER 8th  Wednesday at the Kiosk, a meeting in music about the book Mes disques improbables with rock in Reims as a common thread. Wednesday, December 8th at 6.30 pm at La Cartonnerie. A list of the records that might be talked about on the day. -- THIS IS POP ? THE NEW WAVE YEARS  This is pop ? The new wave years (1978-1982) A music talk by Pol Dodu Saturday, December 11th 2010, 4.30 pm Médiathèque Cœur de ville de Vincennes, Salle des Académiciens -- MES DISQUES IMPROBABLES  After four and a half years and 650 records reviewed on Blogonzeureux!, the time had come to collect some of these reviews in a printed volume. The criterion for this selection was the improbable aspect of the records concerned. They are my Mes disques improbables. -- LA POISSONNERIE, L'ESTOURDISCO AND POL DODU  Each year, La Poissonnerie, a local cultural association from the Endoume district in Marseilles, releases a sonic magazine to its members called L'Estourdisco. In 2010, yours truly was asked to compile L'Estourdisco volume 8 from recordings dating from 1928 to 1959. More information : La Poissonnerie. -- PREUVES DE JEUNESSE 2009  Whether they be recent or over fifty years old, here is a selection of songs discovered by Pol Dodu in 2009. The songs in Preuves de jeunesse 2009 are young. Young to the ears who have just discovered them, young because each new listen brings you joy and energy. -- JC BROUCHARD : Ton bon gars fera du gras  While trying to make out the lyrics to some songs in English, sometimes JC Brouchard's mind slips and transforms the original songs. That's what happened with the two tracks on his latest 7" single, Your good guy's gonna go bald and I'm waiting for my wife. -- LEWIS FUREY : Portrait of the artist as a poetic young man  On the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, and in expectation of his concerts scheduled at the Théâtre du Rond-Point in Paris from January 12 to 16 2010, Vivonzeureux! Records is happy to present you with "Poetic young man", its own selection of rare and unreleased Lewis Furey tracks, culled from those of his recordings that are not included in his album discography. -- DESORDRE MUSICAL 2008  From 1949 to 2008, here's "Désordre musical 2008", a dishevelled selection of 29 tracks that made Pol Dodu happy in 2008. -- TESTAMENT DU ROCK VOL. 5  Over thirty years after the release of the first four volumes on Music For Pleasure, Vivonzeureux! Records adds a new paragraph to the Testament of Rock by releasing volume 5 on its virtual label. -- LEWIS FUREY TO PERFORM ON STAGE !  Lewis Furey will perform on July 3rd and 4th as part of the "intimate concerts" of the Festival International de Jazz in Montreal. It is a particular event because, as far as I know, Lewis Furey has not performed on stage as the main act since his very elaborate shows with Carole Laure between 1977 and 1982. Now, it's announced he will perform songs from his first two albums (Lewis Furey in 1975 and The humours of Lewis Furey en 1976) with three musicians-singers. I doubt I'll make it to Montreal, but I do hope with all my heart that Lewis Furey will also play a few concerts in France with this set-up ! -- BACK TO 78  January 1978 : The Sex Pistols split. Post-punk can be said to start there and then. Thirty years later, the Epernay library will stage an exhibition from March 3 through 15 to celebrate this fruitful musical era and I, Pol Dodu, will give a talk on march 14 at 7 pm under the banner "Back to 78 - the new wave year". Those who can't make it to Epernay, or would like to brush up their new wave before that, can look up my 1995 List of new wave classics, or browse the 78 reviews of records labelled as new wave on Blogonzeureux ! -- POL & PAULETTE DODU : SI VOUS PASSEZ PAR LA...  A new publication for Vivonzeureux!, a hybrid object which superimposes the text of the "Si vous passez par là..." chronicles, produced for La Radio Primitive from 2004 to 2006, with the drawings made by Paulette Dodu while she was travelling the world over in preparation for these chronicles. -- FAMILY FODDER : LA CHANSON DE CRAONNE  90 years after the 1917 mutinies, 50 years after the birth of its leader leader Alig, British cult new wave band Family Fodder releases its version of "La chanson de Craonne" on Vivonzeureux! Records on the occasion of Armistice day. -- MUSIQUE POUR SMARTIES  As a tribute to the synthetic band who only released one album in 1980, Pol Dodu has decided with "Musique pour Smarties" to cover the all of the four original songs ever released by Silicon Teens. -- LA VIE SECRETE DE MEDIA FODDER  A life is made up in great part of meetings. "The secret life of Media Fodder" gives Media Fodder the opportunity to tell us (in French) about some of the most striking ones. -- FELT : THE EPICTORIAL JACKSON REVIEW  Felt's body of work is generally and deceptively presented as being neat and well-ordered. Vivonzeureux! Records disagreed and has opted to release "The Epictorial Jackson Review", a new edition of the A side of their "The pictorial Jackson Review" album. -- VIVONZEUREUX! : LE FANZINE  As this site is about to celebrate its 10th birthday in march 2007, we are happy to give you the opportunity to download all four issues of our photocopied fanzine, distributed from hand to hand between 1994 and 1998. -- GRANDADDY : LES PEPITES DE PEPE  Grandaddy have just split. For ten years, this very productive band have released many a gem outside their albums. As a tribute to them, we have unearthed our favourite songs from their singles and other isolated records, and they are now collected on a specially-made compilation, "Les pépites de Pépé" ("Grandaddy's nuggets"). -- PAULINE EASY : HAIKUKULELE  During the Winter 2005-2006, Pauline Easy, a Polynesian girl living in Champagne-Ardenne, caused a stir by releasing daily on her blog an instrumental cover played on her ukulele. Pauline travelled back to her island in the Spring, and while The Pauline Easy Project, a duo of musicians from Reims, pay a tribute to her on stage, Vivonzeureux! releases "Haikukulélé", a selection culled from the Pauline Easy repertory. -- PASTIME : A NOSTALGIA FOR THE FUTURE  What happens to nostalgia for the future when the future is now ? How does a pastime evolve when time passes ? Vast questions to which we give a first hint of answer by reissuing a new wave cassette compilation from 1981. -- GEORGES, VIENS SOUFFLER LE ROCK !  After dedicating a discographical love story to him, «Tu m’as trompette mon amour», Vivonzeureux! deals once more with the Georges Jouvin case, this time with "Georges, viens souffler le rock", a compilation of his rock songbook, if it is at all possible to talk of rock when the golden trumpet is at the forefront ! -- LETSLIVAPPY! (WHILE WE AWAIT TOMORROW)  Maybe it had to happen, Vivonzeureux! has now got its own blog, Blogonzeureux!. Not to write about Pol Dodu's life, no, just to tell about his records (although both are very entwined, agreed), with one post a day (if he keeps the pace). This blog should follow suit after such articles on this site as "Stop me (not) if you've heard this one before !", "The optimistic hip-pop discotheque" et "New wave classics". Like these articles, the blog will only be available in French, but you can always look at the record covers and titles, and ask some software to translate for you : at least you're sure to be in for some fun when you read the translation ! -- RADIO VIVONZEUREUX! : VERSION 2.0 IS ONLINE  OK. Done. Thanks to free software Radio Blog, we are now able to propose you to listen simply and without ads to Radio Vivonzeureux! (by clicking on one of the song titles in the radio blog opposite for instance). To know more about the songs listed, just read our playlist commentaries. -- PASCAL COMELADE & LE BEL CANTO ORQUESTRA PLAY SARDANES IN VERNET-LES-BAINS  It is the night dedicated to traditional dances and airs at the Europe fair in Vernet-les-Bains. Outside a bar, Pascal Comelade & the Bel Canto Orquestra give an impromptu concert, unbeknown to nearly everyone. But Vivonzeureux! Records was here to capture the event ! |